We’ve Been Serving Our Community for 27+ Years.
At The VSC, we’ve always been committed to providing access to quality, comprehensive medical care to those in our community who need it most. We welcome all patients, to receive the care they need, regardless of ability to pay. By supporting or receiving medical care from The VSC, you’re a part of a bigger mission to impact the lives of many in our community.
Where We Started
Viola Startzman, MD, was a retired pediatrician and former director of The College of Wooster Student Health Center. At age 78, “Dr. Vi” was named chairperson of a committee formed in the early 1990’s by Wooster Mayor Clyde Breneman and the Board of Governors of Wooster Community Hospital to research needed health care services in Wayne County. The hospital made a small building on its campus available for $1.00 in annual rent for 25 years, and after years of hard work by many community members, “Healthcare 2000 Community Clinic” opened its doors on August 3, 1995. Many individuals and organizations came together to generously support this vision and they continue to do so today.
A colleague once described Dr. Vi as “a person of rare dedication, compassion and purpose who has accomplished much for the good of others and provided an exemplary character for others to emulate.” When asked by the AMA Foundation about the driving force behind her years of volunteer work, Dr. Vi stated, “I think everyone has a right to health care, good health care, just as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
The Viola Startzman Clinic provides healthcare and hope to residents of Wayne and Holmes Counties and surrounding communities, in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
To obtain free or discounted care at The Viola Startzman Clinic, you must be a resident of Wayne or Holmes Counties and schedule an appointment with our Case Manager to complete the application process, in order to determine eligibility. Once eligibility is determined, our Charitable Care Policy provides free or discounted care to patients with a household income at or below 250% of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines. Click here to see our Charitable Care Application.
Patient Advocate Team
Amber Stine
Medical Office Manager